Monday, January 12, 2009

A wild and crazy day...mama's on lockdown

Well, the day started off great. I woke up feeling pretty good, made my sandwich for breakfast, got dressed and headed out to work. I stopped at the district office to take care of a few business matters, picked up a cup of coffee and arrived at work. It was a day like any other day. Then, the shift began and it is a day I'd rather not re-live, but I am thankful for how things ended up when all was said and done.
If you're concerned about reading too much detail, skip this paragraph. I noticed a tinge when I went to the bathroom just before the kids would come in for reading. I didn't think too much of it, but told myself that if I noticed it again, I would immediately call the doctor. The next time I went to the bathroom, everything seemed to be back to normal, so I figured a call to the doctor could wait. Within five minutes of being back in the classroom, something felt very off and I rushed out. What I saw scared me. I was bleeding. I immediately called the doctor's office and talked to our dear PA Ann who had promised to take good care of me if I had any needs between doctor's appointments. She asked where I was (work is only about two minutes from the office) and said that she would have lab orders waiting for me when I got there. I gathered up my things and rushed right over. They had the lab orders ready AND had called and scheduled an ultrasound for me. It was SUCH a relief to have such amazing care in a timely manner.
I came home and snuggled with my family. We had a couple of hours of rest, relaxation and time together. I arranged for Connor to go to daycare for a couple of hours, called my mom to ask for prayers and by 1:20 we were on our way out. We dropped off Connor and headed first to the ultrasound. The ultrasound tech did all of the official stuff first, then she turned on the sound so we could hear something beautiful...the baby's heartbeat. I teared up with relief. She said it was 168 beats per minute...perfect! Then, she turned the monitor so I could see what she was seeing. There it amazing picture of this beautiful baby forming right on track. The baby measured right at 10 weeks. The baby looks great! And, we have pictures.
We went to have the blood work done next. By 4:30, Ann was calling me back to report that she'd reviewed the ultrasound results and the baby looks great, so all is well. I am on rest and no lifting orders for at least a week. That means I have to take it as easy as I can. I will stay home tomorrow and see how things are going before making a decision for Wednesday.
We don't know what caused the bleeding, but taking these precautions is something that I must do. Joanie came over to our house for dinner so that we could stay in and I could keep resting. Connor and I will figure out fun ways to replace my picking him up, at least for now. Darrel is being amazing and making sure I'm taking it easy.
Continued prayers are, of course, appreciated. For now, I am thankful for the prayers we have received and for the baby being ok.
I'll get over the part about having to slow down some and take things easy.

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