Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Taking it easy

I had an appointment yesterday with my regular doctor. He went through a lot of things with us and he brought in the doppler to listen to the baby's heartbeat. It was a beautiful sound. Unexplained bleeding in the first trimester is typically "diagnosed" as "Threatened Miscarriage" and the suggestions made tend to be like the ones I received. This does not mean that a miscarriage is happening or will for sure happen. Bleeding, however, does slightly increase the "chances" of miscarriage. The doctor suggested I avoid over-exertion and said that I can pick up Connor some (but did suggest that Darrel continue to help me). I should avoid heavy lifting which he said is of closer to 50 pounds (or more) and I am still on pelvic rest. He said and I have read that seeing the baby and hearing the heartbeat are good indicators that things will be ok, but at this point we should be prepared for the pregnancy to go either way. Such bleeding typically subsides after the 12 week mark so hopefully we'll see an end to this very soon. I should be 12 weeks on Saturday. I went ahead and took today off of work to have one more day of rest at home. Things at my current job have been a bit stressful and so we figured another day off would be good. I will go in tomorrow and see how things are going and we'll go from there. I went ahead and made an appointment for next Wednesday at 8:30 a.m., first appointment of the day, so I can follow up with the PA and she should be able to have a listen with the doppler. If I experience any other bleeding episodes like I did this week and last, I have been advised to either go through the doctor's office like I did or to go back through the ER. That way they can take another look with ultrasound and check my bloodwork again just to see if there are any changes with me or the baby. I, of course, get frustrated because I am the type of person who wants clear answers. I want to know where the blood in coming from and what is causing it and no one can tell me that apparently. So, for now, I hold onto the good news that there does not seem to be a clear source or point of origin in or around the baby and that the baby is doing well. The heartbeat was good and strong again as we heard on the doppler yesterday. So, now we wait and see and pray. I guess this is why I try to take things one day at a time and a good lesson in trusting in God.

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