Thursday, January 8, 2009

First attempt at updating

That didn't take long, did it?! heh

It's nearly the weekend, but Saturday is going to be a huge day for me. I'm going to take all three subtests of the multiple subject CSET. This is one of the things I need to do before I can get my credential. Well, I need to take it and pass it. Please keep me in your thoughts as it's going to be a long day. I'm going to make a couple of PB&J sandwiches (with my nana's homemade strawberry jam...yum!) and take a couple of string cheeses and a granola bar. My girlfriend and I are headed down to Fresno together and we'll be sure to have lunch as soon as we're done with the tests. I was a little nervous about needing extra brain food plus needing the extra calories anyway and NOT having ANY breaks! But, it sounds as though I can nibble a snack when I take a restroom break and PB&J will be a good kick-off to the morning.

Connor's been bossing Nike around a little bit this week (actually it started last night). He shakes his pointer finger at her and says "no, no, no..." It's cute for about a minute and then we kind of start to feel sorry for Nike. She's not even doing anything wrong. So, we tell Connor to tell Nike that she's a good girl. We'll see how the correction/behavior modification goes. Speaking of Connor, isn't he just the cutest thing ever?! =) He even made quite an impression on Bishop Lamb this past Sunday. It was great!

We are trying out our new 3-in-1 countertop grill tonight. We already have the rice going in the rice cooker we got from Uncle Dave and crew for Christmas. It looks delicious! I can't wait to eat. Speaking of which, I guess I should go so I can try to help out a bit.'s the grill I wanted, I think I should at least watch to see how it works. =) Love it! Woo-hoo!

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