Monday, January 19, 2009

Update: A day at the ER

Well, today was...interesting. It's a holiday, so I was off from my education job. I was looking forward to making a few phone calls for the newspaper and taking it somewhat easy while spending time with Darrel and Connor. I made a manicure appointment for 8 a.m. thinking I would be home by the time Connor was ready to be up, after all, he'd had a huge weekend. Alas, he was awake before I left, but he was mostly happy and I got to spend a few minutes with him before heading out for my appointment. By a little after 9, my manicure was done and I was ready to head home. Darrel had called to see if I could pick up one thing from the store to go with our breakfast and since I was right by a store, I figured I could do that. I got out of the car and walked into the store. I was still near the entrance when I felt all too familiar feeling. Yep, same thing I felt a week ago at almost the exact same time. I knew what it was right away. By the time I got back out to the car, I knew it was a little worse than a week ago though. And that frightened me a bit. I got home and immediately went to change my clothes, telling Darrel on my way through the hall that I was bleeding again. Of course, today had to be a holiday! Ugh!

We started working our ways through the numbers we have for where my doctor works hoping one would connect us to an exchange. Finally, one did. They tried paging my doctor and when he didn't call back right away, they advised me to go to the hospital. This was difficult for Darrel and me both. We figured we'd go ahead and go to the hospital closest to us for this. Darrel took Connor to his sister's and came home to pick me up and take me to the ER. It was a long day, full of tests. I had another ultrasound and baby once again looked great: HR 186 bpm, right on track for where I'm supposed to be in my pregnancy as far as size goes and showing off quite a bit doing some dancing, some somersaults and various other aerobic exercises. All of my bloodwork came back fine and a pelvic exam was normal (cervix is still closed as it should be). And so, I was sent home. In addition to the tests, they hooked me up to an IV for fluids, let me eat a sandwich and yellow jello and I got a little bit of a nap in as well. So, it was an interesting day. My sister-in-law will bring Connor home in a little while. Once I finish this post, I think I'll take a short nap. My mother-in-law is coming over here for dinner, so I'll have some good rest time, I think. Tomorrow I am supposed to check in with my doctor and we'll see what he has to say. I have to tell you, I am both relieved and frustrated. I want this baby to be ok, so I am obviously relieved. I am frustrated because I feel great and the baby looks good and yet I keep having this bleeding. It could very well be some sort of first trimester thing that will stop soon. I only have a week or two left until I reach my second trimester. I hope this settles down and things get back to "normal" soon. We'll see how things go from here. Many thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers.

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