Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hoping for a better Monday

I am cautiously optimistic. I am officially 12 weeks which theoretically means that bleeding issues could very well be behind me for the most part. I am trying to remain optimistic and hope that tomorrow does not continue the trend of the previous two weeks. *Keeping my fingers crossed*

Tomorrow I will once again be back at work, but this will be the first day of my last week as an instructional aide. I am looking forward to the week ahead and to the new beginning which is yet to come a week from now. It will be a busy week, but I will try to take it as easy as I can. We are supposed to go to press this week. I need to wrap up a few things Monday and then begin my typing. I will take things one step at a time and I will certainly be praying through the week. We are also supposed to have a meeting to finalize things for the journalism program we are getting ready to start and there is the evening registration for the adult school.

We had a pretty nice day today. Connor and I visited a new church in Delhi partly for fun and partly for newspaper business. I still need to drive by and take some photos. Luckily, the church is right by my current work. This afternoon we attended service at St. Francis Episcopal Church and my parents drove down to go to church with us. Then we went to dinner. Overall it was enjoyable. Connor seems to be working on his canine teeth which has made things interesting. His appetite is somewhat inconsistent, he's fighting going to sleep until very late (he just went down for the night) and he is a little more obsessive about brushing his teeth (he especially likes brushing where his gums hurt). But, he was a happy boy today and enjoyed time with his family. He was really clingy with me off and on throughout the day. Interestingly, as clingy as he was with me today, he had no problem walking right out the door and toddling down the walkway at a Delhi business today. He had to work to get that door open too...just not as much as I would have expected.

The great Connor story of the weekend, though, comes from last night. Darrel was preparing dinner in the kitchen. Connor was making his rounds...playing, visiting me, "helping" daddy with dinner. At one point, he walked into the kitchen. I figured he was going to try to help some more. Darrel's back was turned so he didn't quite catch it until it was too late. Connor walked right up to Nike's (prounounced nee-kay...that's our beautiful seven-year-old Black Lab) water dish and promptly sat himself down in it. It was quite a silly sight to see, though it was much funnier after his clothes were changed and shoes dried. Our boy is quite the character. You can't help but love him!

And with that, I think for now our readers are updated.

Have a great week.

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