Friday, January 16, 2009

Quick Day Three update

I didn't have a chance to post anything last night. Yesterday was Connor's daycare day which really helped force me into taking things especially easy. I took a big, long nap in the middle of the day which was really nice. I'm going back to work today even though it's the Friday before a three day weekend. I just think I should go back today. It probably wouldn't hurt to have one more day at home, but there are a lot of changes at work and I'm anxious to see how they are all working out. I'm not stressing over them, just curious more than anything.

Anyway...Connor got home yesterday evening and was pretty tired, so he took a little nap. He got up as we were working on dinner. (And by we, I mean mostly Darrel.) He was having a really hard time with me not being able to pick him up and there wasn't anything I could do to help him feel better at first. Eventually we found a place and set of circumstances that made him happy. He sat in his highchair eating pretzels while we working in the kitchen. Darrel and I had another night of reversed roles for the bedtime routine. He got Connor in jammies while I got the milk ready and did some clean-up from dinner. Then Connor sat with me while he had his milk and together Darrel and I put him to bed. He seemed to like that for the second night in a row, so that was a bit of a relief.'s time to get myself ready and head in to work. I hope everyone has a great day!

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