Saturday, January 24, 2009

An update PLUS Connor's Top Three

I was back at work yesterday and today. Yesterday was a great day, minimal stress, the kids were SO excited to see me and I was back working with my groups. I loved it. Today was a little odd. I won't go into details here right now, but it was a bit stressful and overwhelming and I didn't know how things were going to go. But, I talked with the principal and the teacher and I think my last week will go ok. I will certainly be praying through the week next week. I have a jury summons for Tuesday and I am hoping I won't have to go. But, if I do, I will do my civic duty. I have a follow-up doctor's appointment on Wednesday just to check in and see how things are going. Friday will be my last day as an instructional aide. It's bitter sweet.

Connor has really enjoyed some dancing and such this week. I thought it would be fun to include his top three of the week. And so, here they are...

#3 "Wrap"

This is the video he opted to "chill" to this evening. He sat in his chair and listened, then came over to me and hugged me and wanted to sway with me. This was recorded a little over a year ago by a local band. Though the band is not currently together as seen here, two of the guys are now B.O.O.K. and will be playing at Magic Mountain in June. Connor just LOVES their music.

#2 "Stomp"
Connor first got hooked on this one right around the same time his fascination with sweeping was first developing, so it's perfect. Tonight, he went and got his broom and started doing his own version of the routine when he wanted me to put it on for him. He continued to do the routine (in his own way) right along with the performers. Broom tapping, foot stomping....he had SO much fun!

#1 O-Zone's Dragostea Din Tei (Numa Numa)
This is a HUGE hit in our house. If you're familiar with the Numa Numa Internet phenomenon, then you're familiar with this song. The first really fun version I saw was a bunch of Navy guys which was quite interesting. Connor is working on his "Numa Numa dance" and I think pretty soon we'll have to try to take some video of it. I hear Ellen is looking for baby's dancing, so we may have to submit it to her once we capture it. He's so fascinated by cameras, though, that we have to be sneaky in taking video when we want it.

Enjoy the weekend!

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