Monday, April 20, 2009

Welcoming "Fr. T" and other excitement

I'm really excited about a couple of upcoming events with the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of San Joaquin. one is a ministry fair at the parish we attend in Riverbank -- Christ the King. I'm hoping Darrel, Connor and I will be able to make it at least for a little while.

Father Terry Martin is "currently exploring creative and innovative strategies for evangelism" and is holding a series of Community Fora in the Diocese of San Joaquin. The forum in Turlock is scheduled for May 3 and I'm looking forward to it. I think my parents are going to come down our way (I know, it's not very far, but I still like it when they come our way) for the event too. Should be interesting. If you're interested in this, you can check out some of the details here:

We have the Delhi Spring Art Show closing reception on May 2 beginning at 7 p.m. We'll have some music indoors first, then a reading from a local author and then a long set by B.O.O.K. and I am, of course, looking forward to that as well. It should be a fun weekend and I hope we bring out some more people to the art show.

It's WAY too hot today. It's still in the mid-90s and it's 7 p.m. Ick! Isn't this April?! This is only supposed to last a couple of days, but a couple of days is still too's APRIL!

I'm back at work albeit on light duty. Things are going pretty well so far and I pray they continue.

Connor's laugh is an awesome sound. His smile is a great sight. Life is good. And, I am thankful.

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