Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Updates from the couch

So, since I'll be home tomorrow and have some time to work on finishing up my writing and editing for the upcoming edition of The Delhi Express, I thought I'd take a few minutes before retiring for the evening and post another quick update.

I'm off from work through next Friday (April 3). So, I have a "new normal" at least temporarily. I'll just keep taking things a day at a time. I have my good moments and my frustrated moments, but I am trying to make the most of the situation. I still have a few people who I need to call so I can let them know what's been going on. But most of my friends and family are aware that I am home and under orders to take things easy. I feel like some of my medical folks think I'm crazy for asking as many questions as I do. But, I want to be sure that I fully understand what I can and cannot do. And, it would seem I don't get the most consistent responses. Ah well...I'm hanging in as best I can.

Darrel and I have been talking about names for our new little guy. We want to have a few in mind so we can choose which fits him best after he's born. We don't want to pick out a "for sure" name until we see him. We did the same thing with Connor. We knew what names we liked and Connor Duncan was our number one choice, but we had to see him first. We were talking again tonight about how when we saw him, he looked like a Connor Duncan and he looks even more like one now. His name totally fits. Our list is a little long and there are some good names we like (none of which we will share), but I'm sure we'll narrow it down some between now and the time the baby arrives.

I got to hold and snuggle with Connor tonight and it was SO nice. I sat in the big comfy chair and gave him some milk before bed. He snuggled in and fell asleep in my arms and it was a great feeling. I miss picking him up whenever I want, but he and I are making do. He's been giving me some great hugs and kisses today. I am most thankful for my loving little boy.

Here's a special update!!!
Delhi Spring Art Show

We have scheduled the Delhi Spring Art Show for April 18 through May 2. There will be opening and closing receptions. We will need musicians for both dates. PLEASE let me know if you are available and would like to play. We also need art. So, attention artist! Yeah, you...we need some of your pieces to display at the art show. Whatever your area of preference, we'd love to feature some of your work. Please get in touch with me ASAP! THANK YOU!!!


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