Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mixed bag of emotion and a oh what a day!

I have already noticed that I have felt much more emotional with this pregnancy than I did when I was pregnant with Connor. I have had periodic meltdowns among other things. I mean, I have had a couple of times where I have just bawled my eyes out and the triggers were what others might consider to be minor things. As if it's not enough that I'm apparently super emotional now naturally, I had one heck of an emotional roller coaster ride today.

I have thought a lot about this. I have shared this with a few people and, frankly, I don't think I can recount it all again, so I'm going to just share the bottom line information.

My dear, sweet nana suffered a stroke sometime within the past few days. They learned this from an MRI taken today. She is spending night #2 in the hospital and will probably be moved into a nursing home this week. This, of course, has been difficult for me to deal with for a lot of reasons, in a lot of ways. I am hoping to get down to see her and get some time in with family and friends next weekend. Please keep her, and our family, in your prayers.

But, the highs of the day were awesome! My mom and I took Connor to the park because we once again got a nice, sunny afternoon. He had so much fun. We also celebrated my birthday with a delicious dinner -- a Santa Maria barbecue -- prepared by my dad. The dinner was great, the Cold Stone cake we yummy. And, I got some great gifts....a coll vacuum type thing designed specifically for hardwood floors, a maternity top, a maternity dress and a great maternity coat and a couple of other things. Darrel and Connor gave me my gift early...a new phone. I had damaged my cell a couple of months ago and desperately needed to replace it. I really like the one I was able to choose. Darrel's recon helped. =) My mother-in-law also gave me my gift a little early. I got a KitchenAid stand mixer. I am SO excited and can't wait to start using it. Of course, my birthday isn't until Thursday, but I have enjoyed celebrating early. I have an amazing family, I must say. =)

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I'll try to update sooner rather than later.

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