Monday, March 23, 2009

Quick trip to ER/L&D

Well, I had some bleeding yesterday off and on, but by the evening, it was enough to concern me to the point where I talked to Darrel about going to the hospital to be checked out. So, off we went. From the time we arrived at the hospital to the time we were back home was barely 2 1/2 hours. Apparently, once you hit 20 weeks, they take you into Labor and Delivery. It's a little scary having to go there so early in the pregnancy, but once you get past that and realize you're with people who specialize in care of pregnant women and expected babies, then it's a little easier to relax. My mother-in-law and our friend Sherri stayed with Connor. I cannot thank our friends and family enough for all that they have done for us. Not just in the past few days, but especially through all of this chaos. checked out ok. His HR was 160 the first time and about an hour later, it was 155. That's right about where it has been all along. And his stability is something I am most thankful for, of course. I was advised to contact my doctor's office first thing this morning, contact the perinatologist's office right away and come back if we felt it necessary. I talked to my doctor's office this morning (directly to my PA) and they were following up with the perinatologist's office today. Hopefully I will have an appointment scheduled ASAP. I would really like to know what's going on, what we can do to stop it, when I can go back to work... I realize that I sound like a control freak and I guess I probably am. But it would be nice to know if I need to set up shop at home for the long-haul or if I can expect to go back to work next week or what. Ah the meantime, I will try to sit back, relax, do some writing for our next issue, continue to get caught up on som paperwork and maybe even read some more in the book I started.

Continued prayers are, of course, appreciated.

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