Thursday, February 12, 2009

Time for an update

I guess time really does fly when you're having fun. I've been enjoying my new daytime adult school class and we've been getting the high school journalism program going. Ultimately, I'll have more time for things...time at home, time taking care of advertisers. We're still settling in to the new schedule and, of course, I've been working on lesson planning and making sure I have things set up for the semester. It's been so wonderful to be happy about getting up and going to work in the mornings. I've been leaving a little on the early side so that I can send out copies, pick up things, drop things off and squeeze in an ad visit here and there. As always, I'm taking things one day at a time.

The journalism program is great. The students have some really good ideas and we expect to see some new features added to the newspaper over time. We have high hopes for what is yet to come.

I haven't had any significant bleeding episodes since last Monday and the doctor's appointment I went to yesterday was one I scheduled WEEKS ago! It was so nice to go to a regular appointment for a change. The baby's heartbeat was good and things seem to be going well all things considered, so that was a plus. Keep those prayers coming because they sure seem to be working.

We have a few looming things that need taking care of, but I know with time and patience we will be ok. Again your continued prayers are welcome and appreciated.

Connor's had a rough few days. He's working on getting his canine teeth and has not been feeling 100%. He had a fever Saturday night then woke up twice during the early morning hours that night. Yesterday was his worst day overall. He just seemed so miserable and there wasn't much we could do. We finally were able to soothe him so he could get to sleep. He seemed better today overall. And, we had one of his favorites for dinner: stuffed shells and bread. So, he was sure to eat some.

I am apparently quite tired and ready for bed, so I think I'll call this update good for now. I will finish off by sharing a couple of good songs for your listening pleasure. =) Enjoy!

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