Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just another Manic Monday?

It was actually a bit of a roller coaster Monday. The day had its highs and lows. I am hoping that I can focus on the good and just move beyond the less-than-good.

I got up and got the day started right on time. I had a little difficulty picking out my clothes for the day because nothing seemed to be just right, but I eventually got dressed and felt really good about heading into my first day. I headed into Delhi to check in with the adult school principal and clerk so I could have an idea of how many students to expect for my new class. As I drove into Delhi, I focused on God and on all of the things for which I am thankful. I prayed out loud and gave thanks the entire drive. I entered the day feeling pretty good. I got a class roster and gathered up the books I would need then headed to the district office to get my new keys. It was all pretty smooth sailing and for that I was thankful. I stopped to get a cup of coffee and use the restroom. That was interesting. I discovered that I was having a little bleeding again. It wasn't much so I decided to wait and call the doctor's office at break from my class.

I got all set up and ready to go. I had ten students, five of whom added the class just this morning which puts my enrollment above 15 and means that things are looking like they're off to a good start. I experienced some more bleeding and called the doctor's office. They could take me in just before lunch. Whew! The first day of class went well all things considered and I just ended things a little early so I could get to the doctor's on time. The baby's heartbeat was still good and so I just keep doing what I'm doing and resting when I can. My next scheduled appointment is next Tuesday. It would be AWESOME to not have to go in before then.

I had my exit interview for my instructional aide job that I left at the end of last week and I think that went well. Originally I was going to write notes, but I didn't. I think, though, that I touched on the big points that I needed to touch on in that interview. I checked the PO Box (no mail today) and headed home where I was able to rest for a bit. Then we ran some errands as a family which was nice. I always enjoy it when we do little things that need doing, but have fun doing them as a family. When we got home, it was time to get ready for my citizenship class. So, I got ready and headed on my way. I had six students tonight, one absence. I think this class could end up being pretty strong and I am looking forward to a good semester. Things were again going seemingly well. We did the things I had hoped to do and things were again looking positive. We ended pretty much on time and I headed out to the car.

Then, the car wouldn't start. I was pretty sure it was the starter, but not positive. My mother-in-law came and we called AAA. The tow truck driver tried to jump start my car, but that didn't work at all. He, too, suspects it's the starter. So, we had it towed to a local mechanic. We'll work on getting it operational again tomorrow.

After dinner Connor counted all the way to 10! He was repeating numbers that my mother-in-law was saying as he counted the number of things he was putting "away." It was pretty cool..

Oh! One more cool thing for the day....I received my "unofficial" test scores via e-mail today and I passed all three. I should get a hard copy pretty much any day now. Regardless.....I PASSED! YAY!

Have a good week everyone! I know I will be focusing on having a good week.

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